The 0-19 (25 for SEND) team are located in all localities across Northumberland. The service is predominately a home visiting service but contacts can be arranged in Family Hubs, education, colleges and community settings when required. The 0-19 service works closely with all partner organisations who provide services for children, young people and families to provide positive outcomes for all.
The 0-19 service can be contacted Monday to Friday 8.30am-5pm, excluding bank holidays.
Practitioners can offer some visits and activities up to 8pm weekdays.
Our SPOC telephone number is 0300 373 2488
Single Point of Contact Email Address HDFT.spocnorthumberland@nhs.net
Referrals into the service for pre school children are through the allocated Health Visitor. SPOC will be able to redirect you to the allocated Health Visitor or support you to speak to another practitioner.
Referrals to the 5-19 service are through a MARF form or by contacting the Early Help Hub on 01670536400 or EHA@northumberland.gov.uk
The 0-19 service offers an Office Duty where a practitioner is available for professionals and service users between the hours of 8.30am – 5pm to discuss any queries if an allocated practitioner is not available.
Health Chat is available for families to access support from the service using the APP, this is a messaging function and is monitored between office duty hours.
Download our interactive app.
The app can be downloaded for free from the Apple App Store or Google Play by searching for ‘Children’s Health Service-HDFT
Facebook – https://www.facebook.com/GrowingHealthyNorthumberland/
Instagram – https://www.instagram.com/019hdftnorthumberland
The Healthy Child Programme (HCP) is a public health programme for children, young people and families which focuses on early intervention and prevention. The HCP offers a programme of screening, immunisations, developmental reviews and guidance to support parenting and healthy lifestyle choices.
You can contact the Northumberland 0-19 service by contacting our single point of contact number 03003732488. Our admin staff will direct your call to the most appropriate person to deal with your enquiry. You may be asked to leave a message on an answer machine.
Give us your feedback!