The 0-25 team are co-located in the Family Hubs and Children’s and Young People’s buildings across County Durham, integrated with partner organisations who provide services for children, young people and families. Further information about where we are located is available on our App or through our Single Point of Contact. The service is community based, with appointments and visits offered in homes, Family Hubs, education, colleges and community settings.
The 0-25 service can be contacted Monday to Friday 9am-5pm, excluding bank holidays.
Practitioners can offer some visits and activities up to 8pm weekdays and on Saturday mornings.
The 0-25 team accept referrals from a range of sources including children and young people, parents and carers, Midwives, GPs and other health professionals, schools and early years settings, and other partner services who work with children, young people and families.
Download our interactive app. The app can be downloaded for free from the Apple App Store or Google Play by searching for ‘Children’s Health Service-HDFT
We work in partnership with all services that provide care and support to children, young people and families in County Durham, including Midwives, GPs, Education, One Point and Children’s Services staff, Paediatricians and Acute Hospital Trust Services and Therapies, and Voluntary and Community Organisations.
The Healthy Child Programme (HCP) is a public health programme for children, young people and families which focuses on early intervention and prevention. The HCP offers a programme of screening, immunisations, developmental reviews and guidance to support parenting and healthy lifestyle choices. As part of the integrated Family Hub Teams, some of the Healthy Child Programme contacts will be offered at your local Family Hub, alongside a range of activities for children and families.
It is normal to feel many different emotions during and after your pregnancy. Whilst this period can be a joyful time, it can also be a stressful time with many changes that come about with the arrival of a new baby. Changes to our bodies, hormones, emotions, relationship, and lifestyle that occur over this relatively short space of time, can sometimes cause our mental health to suffer.
This could be a new mental health problem or reoccurrence of a previous mental health problem you’ve experienced before. This is known as a perinatal mental health problem and 1 in 5 women experience mild to severe mental ill-health during pregnancy or after birth.
County Durham Family Hub and Start for Life Offer have developed a low level Perinatal and Infant Mental Health Service (PIMH) to support families who are experiencing PIMH difficulties. The low to moderate Perinatal and Infant mental health service provides a specialist service for women who are suffering from low to moderate mental health difficulties, during pregnancy, and up to two years after the baby’s birth.
Our team involves a group of professionals, who work together to provide a package of care treatment not sure needed suitable for you.
Please contact your Midwife, Health Visitor, GP or Family Hub staff, to refer into the service.
This website can’t provide individual clinical advice. If you are concerned about your mental health, or the health of someone close to you, please speak to your midwife, health visitor, GP or contact NHS 111.
In an emergency, contact 999.
If you have any questions regarding this change or require further information please contact our Single Point of Contact on 03000 263538.
The 0-25 service can be contacted Monday to Friday 9am-5pm, excluding bank holidays. Practitioners can offer some visits and activities up to 8pm weekdays and on Saturday mornings.
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