Every year in England, children in Reception and Year 6 have their height and weight measured as part of the National Child Measurement Programme (NCMP). Your child’s class will take part in this year’s programme. If your child is absent on the day, one further attempt will be made to complete this. Information about the way measurements are taken and how the data is used, can be found in the attached leaflet.
Data from the NCMP shows national and local trends in children’s growth over time. It is important that we understand this, so that advice and information can be given to support children and their families. Collecting this data also helps us to plan better health and leisure services within local communities.
You will not receive a letter. However, if you would like to receive your child’s measurements please contact us.
You will receive a letter which includes information about healthy lifestyles. We may contact you by phone to discuss their results and can offer you advice and support.
We understand that weight is a difficult subject for many of us. The results letter is simply a way of giving you information about your child’s growth based on their screening measurements. We hope that this will help you to make informed choices to support your child’s health and wellbeing.
Easy access to fast food and the cost of buying food can make it difficult for parents and carers to provide a healthy balanced diet to their children. If you want support or advice about growth and healthy lifestyles, you can call our health team on 03000 263 538.
If we do not hear from you within 2 weeks of this letter being sent, your child will be measured in school.
If you do not want your child to take part in the National Child Measurement Programme, please contact us:
For Durham:
Child Health Department, Chester-le-Street Community Hospital, Front Street, Chester-le-Street, DH3 3AT
or via secure email: cdda-tr.childhealthinformation@nhs.net
For Darlington:
Child Health Department, Bishop Auckland Hospital, Cockton Hill Road, Bishop Auckland. Co. Durham DL14 6AD
or via secure email: cdda-tr.southdurhamchildhealth@nhs.net
Please ensure you include your child’s name, date of birth and address in any correspondence.
For Gateshead:
Gateshead Civic Centre, Regent Street, Gateshead, Tyne & Wear, NE8 1HH
or via secure email: