The Growing Healthy Gateshead 0-19 Healthy Child Programme (HCP) service is an integrated service for families, expectant mothers, children and young people that offers interventions from the pre-natal stage up to the age of 19. The Trust leads on the delivery of this service, with a focus on working across services and organisational boundaries to improve public health outcomes.
The universal reach of the HCP provides an invaluable opportunity from early in a child’s life to identify families that are in need of additional support and children who are at risk of poor outcomes.
If you need to contact the team please use the
We’ve got a local Gateshead team page on Facebook where we share information and general health advice. Please click the link and like our page: www.facebook.com/GrowingHealthyGateshead
The role of the 0-5 Service is to protect and promote the health and wellbeing of children under five and their families.
The 5-19 team promotes and protects the health and wellbeing of all children and young people aged 5 to 19 and up to age of 25 with any child with additional needs
All families with a child under five in Gateshead have access to a Health Visiting 0-5 Team, consisting of Health Visitors, Early Years Practitioners and Family Nurse Partnership. They provide expert health assessments, advice, support and interventions for babies, children and families.
The Team encourages and supports parents and carers to develop life-long skills to enable them to make informed choices that affect their family’s future health and wellbeing.
The Team works in community settings to deliver universal and targeted interventions designed to meet public health outcomes. We ensure the emotional and physical health and wellbeing of families, children and young people across Gateshead.
The team aims to help build parents’ confidence in their ability to give their child the best start in life and listen carefully when parents have concerns. It identifies and builds on what is going well, and provides information to help parents find their own solutions to problems where possible.
Family Nurse Partnership (FNP) is an intensive home visiting programme for first-time young mums and families, working with them to:
Your visits will start during pregnancy right through until your child is aged between one and two. Throughout this time, you and your family nurse will work on lots of different aspects of your pregnancy and becoming a parent together, including: parent-child attachment, breastfeeding, immunising your baby, child development and school readiness.
Your family nurse will fit the programme around you and your baby’s needs, helping to improve your self-confidence as well as supporting you on other issues such as mental health, anxiety, housing and stopping smoking.
We work with children, young people and families to empower and enable them to make informed decisions about health, and to support them in transitioning safely and happily into adult life. The 5-19 Service works in community settings to deliver universal and targeted interventions designed to meet public health outcomes. We ensure the emotional and physical health and wellbeing of families, children and young people across Gateshead.
The team includes School Nurses, Emotional and Resilience Nurses, School Staff Nurse, SEND Team, Early Year Practitioner and Screeners.
The team provides a service to all children and young people of school age, and their families, whether or not they are attending school. We offer advice and information, and assess health needs on children entering school and on transfer to secondary schools. We are the first point of contact for schools when there are concerns about a child’s health and wellbeing.
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